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Running this function will add the Eurocontrol logo in your plot and save it to your specified location.


add_logo(plot_name, source_name,
  save_filepath = file.path(Sys.getenv("TMPDIR"), "tmp-nc.png"),
  width_pixels = 640, height_pixels = 450,
  logo_image_path = system.file("extdata", "euctrl-logo-wide.png",
  package = "ectrlplot"))



The variable name of the plot you have created that you want to format and save


The text you want to come after the text 'Source:' in the bottom left hand side of your chart


The exact filepath that you want your plot to be saved to


Width in pixels that you want to save your chart to - defaults to 640


Height in pixels that you want to save your chart to - defaults to 450


File path for the logo image you want to use in the right hand side of your chart, which needs to be a PNG file - defaults to Eurocontrol logo that sits within the extdata folder of your package



myplot <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) +
geom_point() +
theme_pru()  +
labs(title = 'Scatterplot example in ggplot2',
     subtitle = 'A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes')
#> Warning: `expand_scale()` was deprecated in ggplot2 3.3.0.
#>  Please use `expansion()` instead.
#>  The deprecated feature was likely used in the ectrlplot package.
#>   Please report the issue to the authors.

add_logo(plot_name = myplot,
source = "Source: The source of my data",
width_pixels = 640,
height_pixels = 450,
save_filepath = "path-name.png")

# If you want to use your own logo image,
# change the path in the logo-image-path argument

if (FALSE) {
add_logo(plot_name = myplot,
source = "Source: The source of my data",
save_filepath = "path-name.png",
width_pixels = 640,
height_pixels = 450,
logo_image_path = "use-your-logo-image-path")